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PACI Story

My daughter and her hubby were on a date night. I had the sweet pleasure of hanging out with my two granddaughters. Lo and behold Sandman started biting the youngest one, who exclaimed, "I want my paci!" Lordy, Lordy, it was nowhere to be found. To lighten the situation, I made up a song, clapping and singing as we searched for the missing pacifier. And, thus, Paci, Oh, Paci was born!

Turn that panic moment into a FUN one as you sing while looking for that paci or chupón or wubby, whatever your little one's heart desires calling it. What a happy moment it is when it's found – quite deserving of a flip, a jig, a smile, a great sigh of relief! Because the alternative cry that could possibly arise from your little one's lips will not be music to anyone's ears!

Praises as they grow up, they no longer need a pacifier. It served its purpose, and their merriment continues with other loves.

More FUN!

Read and sing together with your little ones. You also can extend learning by:

Finding and pointing to the ‘hidden’ pacifier on each page as you read and sing along.

  • Searching for missing pacifier, while singing 1st and 2nd stanzas. 

  • Playing Hide 'N Seek by replacing the pacifier name in 1st and 2nd stanzas with the child’s name, for example:

“Penelope, oh Penelope, where are you? Penelope, oh Penelope, where are you? I’ve been looking for you for a long, long time, searching for you for a long, long time, loving you so for a long, long time, oh where are you?” … [Also can use crying for you, dreaming about you, and hugging you.]

  • Singing 3rd stanza in each section and speak with your child about GROWING UP and no longer needing a pacifier.

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HELLO from Author!

"From teething toys to sugar rags used in centuries past, to today’s rubber pacifiers, children all over the world continue to need pacifiers," says Author Janine "Mama J" Richards. Known as Mama J to her grandchildren, in her debut children's book, Janine shows how a pacifier is desired to soothe infants and toddlers across many families. "Love absolutely makes the world go round and similar experiences where belly laughs arise will forever connect us all." 


Prior to Covid-19, Janine crafted family success messages for a non-profit dedicated to changing lives and expectations. She currently works as an Instructional Library Assistant in a school district. Written for parents, grandparents, and families all over the world, Janine has more books on the horizon to show how families share many experiences and loves alike. 

Born and raised in the beautiful St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, Janine is a beloved mother of three and a grandMama to two girls. A West Indian Crucian soul at heart, she currently resides in the cultural  San Antonio, Texas. 

HOLA from Illustrator!

Edgar Ortiz is a graphic designer and illustrator from Belton, Texas. He now resides in San Antonio. He has illustrated children's books for non-profits and charities, taught middle school and high school art, and designed graphics for several education and health companies.

Edgar's creative experience spans the gamut - website design, print design, illustration, brand strategy, brand creative, logo designs, and development. He has worked on projects for clients in Central Texas, Mexico, and Tanzania, along with designs for friends, and family.


Drawing has been a part of Edgar's spirit for as long as he can remember. As an artist, he is able to use his passion in a way that helps others fulfill theirs.


More information on Edgar and his current projects can be found on

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Get A Copy Today


Paci, Oh, Paci! is on sale at Amazon and Barnes & Noble; available in paperback and ebook!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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